On Summer Hols – Report 1

12 Jul
Dear Blog,

  This is going to be short, because my parents are going to blow any moment now. I’ve been dawdling on the Net for the past entire afternoon. Not that they know that, of course, or they’d burst into cries of ‘YOUR EYES!’ (which is actually…true, but yeah.)
  So tomorrow I’m being shipped off to Beijing…for five days. And I’ll have to climb this mountain. Once every day for three days. And dude, it’s a ROCK mountain. Goodbye scenery, hello staircase. I never quite saw the point of making stairs on mountains. What would be the difference between mountain climbing and, you know, building-climbing then? Alas, my opinion cannot change the state of that particular mountain as of now. I suppose I shall have to Deal With It. Consolation: It can’t be worse that what happened in Hainan. 😉
  Maybe it can.
  So, a summary of what happened so far. I’ve been doing all these papers and stuff and reading a hell lot. And of course….NET. Due to procrastination, my papers on the To-Do list are piling UP. Awwrrgh never mind. I’ll get down to them, sometime. So basically after the Expo trips, I’ve been pretty much staying at home (except for the occasional outing, never far.) and doing stuff. Stuff like reading. And stuff. Like…piano. I still have THAT exam on top of everything.
  Oh yeah, and looking for boarding schools in America! Found an awesome one there with this huge campus and even an EQUESTRIAN program. With stables! It was the only one that I saw in all the other schools I found, so yeah. Besides, the school offers IB. Someone I knew went there before…so it should be okay.
  To-Do: Convince parents to let me actually GO there.
  Wait, I should be focusing on my IGCSEs at the moment, not America.
  Yes, yes…IGCSEs.

  Besides, I still gotta pack. Here’s to surviving the following week. (I packed books. I should do fine.)


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