
About: Me


I’m a sarcastic jerkass of a girl who speaks two-and-a-half languages, is studying in Shanghai, and lives not too far from either my school or a cafe (thanks to Mom and Dad). Being a selfish only kid, I am armed with a room full of books and my personal laptop. My room’s a permanent mess, but only because I want it to be.

And I pretend I have a dog. But only sometimes. It feels stupid.

Me–I do many things in my free time, none of which involve physical exercise (except maybe riding, which is pretty much the only sport I like. Even so, I only do it on weekends). I play the piano, read (less than I should like to), do art, write a lot and drink coffee. And go on the Internet. The Internet is a huge time-waster for me. I could spend an entire day in front of my laptop screen without budging.

Except my eyes would probably shrivel up and die, and my mom would tear her throat screaming at me.

I’m also a sucker for nice cafes (and restaurants) with awesome interiors. This to me means that most cafes are acceptable, but I’ve been to cafes that smell of smoke and toilet–in turns–and still charge more than Starbucks. And frankly I don’t really care about the actual food all that much, just so long as it’s comfortable.

Yup, that would be me: spoiled brat, crazy bitch and aspiring writer (among lots of other things, too). Not the nicest, and certainly not the gentlest either, but me.

About: The Blog

I don’t know what made me want to do a blog again, because I’ve tried and failed too many times to count in the past. Here I write about whatever happens in my life that I want to share/keep a record of, and hopefully some of it will, at least, entertain you for a while. I wish I knew how to blog professionally/properly, but I don’t, so this is going to look like a  jumble of words, pictures and topics with correlation only if you tilt your head to a certain angle and squint hard.

But hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere. And even if I end up nowhere, at least I’d have put in the effort to make the start.

Browse around. Kill time. Leave some comments.


8 Responses to “About”

  1. Kaitlin Ring July 20, 2011 at 10:50 pm #

    Um, can I just say that from reading your stuff that didn’t mention your age, I thought you were older? Your writing is amazing. Like, it makes me want to shout it from a mountaintop. I’ve read so many essays from 20-somethings that make me want to tear my hair out. You, my dear, are smart and have a deliciously distinct writing style. And I enjoy you. And your blog looks pretty pro to me.
    P.S. I also really enjoy the super cute kitty on your banner.

    • AwesomeAim July 21, 2011 at 9:37 am #

      Wow, thank you! I’m glad that you like it. I write/read a lot–and I’m totally with you on the ‘tearing hair out’ bit. Except that I like my hair where it is (not on my hands), so…hm. I really enjoy your blog too 😀 Looks as if Blogging Attempt #1 pays off!
      P.S. Doesn’t the kitty really make you want to read the blog? xD *meow*

  2. Alaast July 21, 2011 at 3:32 pm #

    “spoiled brat, crazy bitch and aspiring writer”?

    Can’t agree with that line except for the last part. When did you ever become spoiled?

    • AwesomeAim July 21, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

      Spoiled only by certain standards (and comparisons), I guess. City girl, lots of needs, not the most aware of others. Am also rather aggressive (if I say so myself. Most people agree).

      • Alaast K. July 21, 2011 at 4:58 pm #

        Ok, I’d agree with you being aggressive too. But that’s only with your speaking, not physically.

        I guess if you’re spoiled I’m pretty much also spoiled. Though I don’t think I’ll ever be as spoiled as Kimiya.

  3. seabiscuits July 14, 2012 at 5:43 pm #

    i like you. sarcastic, spoiled brats and crazy bitches are the best! and i think we can rule out ‘sarcastic’ because that just means you’re an honest person.
    keep writing!

    • AwesomeAim July 17, 2012 at 8:28 am #

      Eyy thanks! I like your interpretation of sarcastic 😉 It’s something I can tell people the next time they complain…haha! You too–Keep blogging!

      • seabiscuits July 17, 2012 at 9:40 pm #

        well, it is, right? the point of being sarcastic is to be honest 😉 yea sure! let’s both keep blogging haha! 😀

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