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She Tries To Define Herself

26 Jun

If any of my followers are still out there: I’m going to move to a new blog.

I don’t think this blog represents me well enough anymore. The last time I was truly active here was two years ago. 

So it’s going to be here:

She Tries To Define Herself


4 Jan

I was going to think about my holiday and all the jack shit I did (or rather, didn’t) but I ended up doing jack shit and not feeling like being the least bit productive.

This is what holidays are for, right? Just sort of sit around and vegetate


There are midterms after this holiday and said midterms are important

Like, getting-grades-sent-to-colleges important


(insert violent swearing here)

I’m going to sit around and vegetate until I forget this trauma now.


28 Dec

Before I forget, I made a portfolio on WordPress for my college applications Arts Supplement 🙂 So if you would like to see it, here’s the link: Land Of Chaos And Contemplation Enjoy!

Hope you had a great Christmas and will have an awesome New Year!


9 Jul

I was planning to write a post, but became hooked onto a couple of blogs by graphic designers. 

They reminded me of how I wanted to, initially, study graphic design. But then I changed my mind and decided to go for Marketing. And now I’m wondering if I should still go for graphic design. 

Perhaps Studio Art, as a minor. I still have time to figure this out (albeit not much). 

Am going to recommend those sites to my friends who want to pursue art as a career. 

I am feeling generous today.Image


( And in completely unrelated news it got into my head that I should try using that waxing cream, and since it was my first time using it I decided to just apply it to one section of my leg. Now that one section of calf is ridiculously and obviously more bald than the rest of my leg. 

Gah. )

A long hiatus

21 Mar

…and who knows how long it’s going to continue for. 

Most of the time, I’m loath to post personal stuff on here. Do you get what I mean? When people post their daily-life material on the Internet, who knows who’s going to read it. Most of the time it’s going to be strangers, and–creeps aside–I do, perhaps ironically, prefer it to be that way. There’s an unspoken trust when you show fragments of your life to strangers, because they won’t care or give any fucks about it–and you know it. They’re not going to ask awkward questions because they don’t have the background information, and even if they do you can give them a generic answer and not worry about them pressing for details.

But whoa! Let me get this straight. This post is not about myself wanting everyone I know to go away. It isn’t. What it also isn’t is a post about how indifferent everyone is on the Internet and how I think nobody ever gives a fuck. All that I’m saying is that the level of personal involvement is usually lower when it comes to strangers on the Internet, which is why people care less in general and also ironically why people talk more. Nobody’s going to guess the subject of your words if they don’t know the people around you. They’re not going to make mental connections if you talk about a particular subject. What’s more, they won’t question you on it!

That’s why things such as Omegle and Weixin are so popular. That’s what I think, though. 

I talked to a person on Weixin for a long time. He’s from Indonesia, born Taiwanese, and in university studying engineering. We met because of one of Weixin’s many people-meeting tools, and hit it off (perhaps partially also because he spoke English, too). We would message each other during the day and at night. And I could tell him stuff about my life and my thoughts and things about the people around me, and vice versa, and I knew that it didn’t really matter, because he wasn’t going to track them down or look for them, or to track down background information of mine. We called each other brother and sister. But two weeks passed and the messages grew first scarce, then nonexistent.

And maybe that’s the beauty of meeting/talking to strangers without ever knowing too much about them. You connect, in some way or other, and it might last, but it might go, and all in all it like most great things is just so ephemeral, like a passing scent or fleeting memory of a vivid dream.

I don’t know what I was going to say anymore. It’s been a long time since I posted and frankly I’m quite out of practice, if this kind of thing can be “practiced” at all.


2 Feb

Hi. It’s been some time since my last post. Sorry for my absence. (Surprisingly though, I’ve still been getting pageviews.)

Quoted from the website: [it’s] a progressive feminist blog about politics, culture, social justice, cute things, and all that is in between. 

And it is. It’s great and those of you who see this and are interested, do read it. 


🙂 Cheers.